Sunday, August 28, 2011

Greenwell Law, PLLC

Meet Jeff Greenwell.

Bankruptcy attorney based in Kalispell, MT

He can be reached at 406-257-8909.

Visit his website coming soon - at

{Adam + Tracey} = married! - Whitefish - Eureka Wedding Photographer - Montana - Flathead Valley

Years ago, I got a text from Miss Tracey about watching this live band that I LOVED!  That night I wanted to dance the night away with some of my favoritist folks I'd ever known.  Adam, just happened to be one them... and I just happen to introduce Tracey to him... and during the intro I felt they sparked. 
I danced & danced, and a little while later, I noticed they still were talking....
and later... still talking...
and later... still talking...
and later... still talking...

Yesterday.... they sealed that spark in front of their loving family and adorning friends. 

Congrats Tracey & Adam... you are both beautiful and fantastic... in every way.  I hope your spark flames forever. 

Comment away folks (more photos coming soon)
30 comments starts the photo prizes!!!
50 comments raises the ante!!
Don't forget to leave your name too!!!

Wedding location ~ Kincheloe residence

Monday, August 22, 2011

Blazer... my buddy dog. "bubbaz"

Blazer.  the cute little 4 week old Black Lab that I fell in love with 12+ years ago.  I worked at Mt LaCrosse in Wisconsin, a liftie, and my boss had a litter of labs.  My favorite dog.  I went, I saw, I fell in love in a second. 

Blazer was the little rolly polly guy off on his own.  Always was searching on his own.  Always exploring.

We've been through soooo much together. 

And tomorrow... he's on his way to the big doggie park in the sky.

I love you buddy.  xoxo