Monday, August 22, 2011

Blazer... my buddy dog. "bubbaz"

Blazer.  the cute little 4 week old Black Lab that I fell in love with 12+ years ago.  I worked at Mt LaCrosse in Wisconsin, a liftie, and my boss had a litter of labs.  My favorite dog.  I went, I saw, I fell in love in a second. 

Blazer was the little rolly polly guy off on his own.  Always was searching on his own.  Always exploring.

We've been through soooo much together. 

And tomorrow... he's on his way to the big doggie park in the sky.

I love you buddy.  xoxo

1 comment:

  1. This made me want to cry. I could feel your pain. Brought up memories of my Konan (Rott) I had to put him down when I was 29years old or so. Felt like he was from my womb. Missed him for years and wish I had pictures like this of him. Thanks for sharing and hope it gets easier with time. God Bless, soncerely, Camie


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