Finally... a rainy day to catch up with everything... and finally start doing what I am passionate about. My photography.
After the four and a half winter months at the Whitefish Mtn Resort... I happily switch "gears" and resume my position at the Whitefish Lake Golf Course as the head of mowing the fairways. It is ALWAYS a welcomed move! Nothing more wonderful that striping the big green lush fairways... and waving to the golfers as I pass through.
This past April finished my second season with Big Mtn Photo at the ski resort. I am still learning the "fine art" of running a smooth, fast, artsie, and successful business... and aim to improve with each season. For the 09-10 winter season, I have LOTS of new ideas to hopefully boost the ease of folks getting their photographs. I had to part with my lab set-up, and am in a constant search to find an "out" lab.
I have not outwardly pursued weddings yet this season... but have several in line and am anxiously awaiting to shoot them! I love wedding photography... so elegant, so fun, so exciting, so passionate... so photogenic!
I hope to have my website spruced up soon... so stay tuned!
So! With that all said, I hope that you enjoy my photo posts!
I LOVE to share my passion for photography, and hopefully someday soon... I'll share you in that passion with others!
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